Preparation and characterization of phase change materials obtained from nano sacha inchi oil improved with low-cost local raw materials

General Objective: Obtaining a PCM and NEPCM based on sacha inchi seed oil and inclusion of titanium and silicon oxides, obtained from local raw materials.

Specific objectives:

  • To evaluate the effect of the addition of titanium and silicon oxide nanoparticles, synthesized from Ecuadorian raw materials, in phase change materials obtained from sacha inchi oil, based on thermal and chemical properties.
  • Compare the thermal and chemical stability of the characterized materials before and after complying with defined work cycles.
  • Simulate the behavior of phase change materials, nanoparticles and nanoenhanced phase change materials, as well as their application as passive components of cooling systems.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Andrés Gabriel Chico Proaño

  • Rodger Benjamin Salazar Loor
  • Paúl Sebastián Dávila Aldás
  • Francisco Rodriguez Clavijo
  • Javier Martínez Gómez

Awarded budget: $19300,00

Project Status: Completed