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Evaluation of urban pedestrian environments for the identification of safe school routes in intermediate cities

General Objective: The general objective of this study is the development and pilot application of a method and tool for the evaluation and design of safe school routes in two intermediate cities of Ecuador. These safe routes are urban corridors that offer attractive conditions so that boys and girls can walk or cycle comfortably and safely to and from their places of study.

Specific Objectives For the development of the project, four specific objectives have been proposed, to which a short name has been assigned for later reference:

  • Methodological Adaptation: Generate a methodology adapted to the context of Ecuadorian intermediate cities for the evaluation and design of safe school routes based on international experiences and evidence from the scientific literature.
  • Pilot Study Carry out a pilot evaluation of urban conditions for the active mobility of boys and girls in 8 schools in the cities of Cuenca and Ibarra.
  • Development of the evaluation application: Develop and implement a computer tool based on free software for the evaluation of safe school routes for intermediate cities in Ecuador.
  • Urban design: Generate a set of urban design criteria for safe school routes and apply them in schematic designs for eight schools in Cuenca and Ibarra.

The following subsections of this document present the methodology and results related to each of these objectives.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Daniel Augusto Orellana Vintimilla, PhD. Biologist – UC.

  • Juan Marcelo Aviles Ordoñez
  • Adriana Eulalia
  • quezada larriva
  • Carla Hermida
  • jorge andrade
  • Gabriela Naranjo

Awarded budget: $50857,47

Project status: Signing of agreements.