1st CopernicusLAC Hackathon

The CopernicusLAC 2024 Hackathon seeks to attract a diverse group of people passionate about harnessing Earth observation data to address the challenges of DRR and climate change adaptation, food production and distribution, and biodiversity and threatened habitats.

We invite students and young professionals from environmental sciences, geography, data science, software, data analysts and technologists who are experts in data coding and visualization, to participate in this initiative that seeks solutions through Earth observation for the reduction disaster risk and climate adaptation.

The Hackathon, which will take place in Spanish, has three thematic challenges:

  • Challenge 1: guarantee the production and distribution of food.
  • Challenge 2: improve forecasting and preparation for future disasters.
  • Challenge 3: preserve biodiversity and threatened habitats.

Those interested can register here until October 10, 2024. Participants with the best solutions will have the opportunity to win a share of thousands of euros in prizes.

Your ideas can make a difference!
