First three-dimensional service brand in Ecuador – CEDIA AWARDS

The Corporation obtains the first three-dimensional brand of services on the CEDIA AWARDS that is organized year after year.

CEDIA has marked a milestone by obtaining the first three-dimensional service brand in the country for its annual CEDIA AWARDS event. This recognition uniquely protects the visual identity of the most important award in the field of Academia, Science, Technology and Innovation in Ecuador. 

The CEDIA AWARDS, held annually, have gained renown as the main event to honor the management, effort and dedication of universities, institutes, and researchers throughout the country. This award highlights member institutions and their collaborators for their fundamental role in promoting a culture of scientific, academic and technological development. 

For the Corporation, obtaining this three-dimensional mark not only represents progress in protection but also a reaffirmation of the commitment to its members and to the development of science and innovation in Ecuador. CEDIA solidifies its position as a leader in promoting research and academia, and ensures that the CEDIA AWARDS continue to be a benchmark of excellence. 
