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Generation of a Repository for the Storage and Massive Modeling of Biotic Interaction Networks for Conservation Purposes in Ecuadorian Ecosystems

General Objective: Generate a repository of standardized observations of various biological variables with relevance for the modeling of biotic interaction networks in priority ecosystems in Ecuador.

Specific objectives:

  • Design and implement a database structure for the storage and management of large volumes of standardized data on biotic interactions. For the execution of this objective we have the experience of Dr. Aminael Sánchez Rodríguez, member of the UTPL research team, who has previously participated in the design and implementation of databases for molecular interaction data repositories, such as COLOMBOS (Engelen, Fu et al. 2011) and MAGIC (Fu, Fierro et al. 2014). All that previous knowledge will be transferred to the present project. Additionally, and jointly with all the members of the UTPL, PUCE-SI and ESPOCH research teams, a standardized format will be designed that allows the incorporation of (meta) data associated with each of the observations of biotic interactions. As mentioned by Jordano, VáZQUEZ et al. (2009), many of the studies that refer to the sampling of biotic interactions are incomplete since they do not provide additional data (which we will call metadata) beyond the observations obtained that allow judging the robustness of the sampling. That is why the standard that we will develop in this project will define: the minimum information necessary to estimate whether the sampling effort that allowed data collection is robust enough (eg the data would not be significantly altered if the sampling effort is increased).
  • Develop a web application that will allow the standardized entry of biological interaction data as well as its visualization. As for the execution of objective 1, we will base ourselves on previous experiences (COLOMBOS and MAGIC) for the design of a web application that allows communication between end users and the database structure. This will be programmed in JavaScript and will use Cytoscape extensions for data visualization.

Participating Institutions:



  • PhD. Aminael Sanchez.
  • MSc. Carlos Carpio.
  • MSc. Jose Andrade.

Awarded budget: $25000

Project status: Process – Signature of Agreement.