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Campus Global brought together 120 people to socialize international cooperation programs in science and technology in Ecuador

At the event, the training opportunities offered by the European Union were shared.

The first edition of the Congress of International Cooperation for Science, Technology in Innovation Global Campus brought together 120 people from 32 universities and institutes in the country for two days of exchange of ideas and information. The event, organized by CEDIA , put at the center of the discussion the opportunities offered by the European Union for research and academia, through programs such as Horizon Europe and Erasmus+.

With the aim of strengthening the science, technology and innovation ecosystem in Ecuador, the Congress focused on the importance of international cooperation as a driver of academic and scientific development. Attendees, including academics, researchers, authorities and university students, had the opportunity to explore new alliances and learn more about the financing and collaboration channels that the European Union makes available to Ecuadorian institutions.

Cecilia Paredes, President of CEDIA and rector of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral –ESPOL, stated that CEDIA , through the generation of these exchange spaces, seeks to be the catalyst agent to enhance all the capabilities that universities and technological institutes have that They form the Higher Education System of Ecuador.

European programs, such as Horizon Europe, which finances research and innovation, and Erasmus+, focused on mobility and educational cooperation, were the main protagonists of the conference. During the two days, conferences with experts and five practical workshops were held that explained how these programs can serve as a lever for Ecuador to insert itself more actively into the global scientific and technological panorama.

The University of Las Américas, host of the event, highlighted the importance of these spaces for the creation of international networks that allow the advancement of Ecuadorian science. Through this type of conference, the aim is not only to strengthen local academia, but also to ensure that the country is at the forefront of global scientific advances.

Global Campus Congress represents a milestone in Ecuador's efforts to position itself as a benchmark in international cooperation for science and innovation, and it is expected that, after this first edition, the event will consolidate itself as a key annual space for exchange of ideas and the promotion of knowledge at a global level.


Check out the Congress gallery here .
