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High Performance Computing Applied to the Design of Surfactants and Bio-Surfactants to Improve the Production and Transportation of Crude Oil in Ecuador: Phase I. Implementation and Start-up of the Molecular Modeling and Simulation Laboratory

General Objective: Implementation and start-up of a high-performance computing infrastructure that can be applied in the computational design of surfactants and bio-surfactants for improved oil recovery in Ecuadorian wells.

Specific objectives:

  • Acquire and incorporate two new blades to the high-performance computing system of the San Francisco de Quito University (HPC-USFQ), which will be used for the development of the project and will be available to researchers from USFQ, ESPOCH, ESPOL and UTPL. (Indicator: Preparation of a report on the operation of new equipment (technical characteristics of the equipment, operating system installed, etc.), preparation of a technical report on the remote connection. (Total data sent, total data received in periods of time compatible with the schedule, etc)).
  • Train researchers and students from USFQ, ESPOCH, ESPOL and UTPL in the field of quantum mechanical simulation and molecular dynamics aimed at the computational design of surfactants and biosurfactants for enhanced recovery applications. (Indicator: Report on the operation of the team and on the scaling of the programs, Summary of the studies to be carried out including description of models and methodology (indicating the contribution of the different researchers and, when appropriate, of the students), Report of the International School of Scientific Computing (Proof of lodging, food and mobilization of the participants, lists of participants, lists of speakers, etc)).
  • Organize two scientific events of an international nature that allow the dissemination of the importance of theoretical studies and computational chemistry in frontier research and the solution of problems of national priority in Ecuador. (Indicator: Report of the International School of Scientific Computing, Report of the XV Congress of Theoretical Chemists Latin Expression QUITEL 2014).
  • Integrate researchers from other CEDIA member institutions as members of the Collaboration Network and GETNano who are interested in collaborating with this project or in carrying out other theoretical studies that involve high-performance computing. (Evidence of participation and integration of new collaborators)
  • Make the most of the communication and connection potential offered by the CEDIA Advanced Network to facilitate the joint work of the researchers participating in the Collaboration Network. (Remote connection technical report (total data sent, total data received in periods of time compatible with the schedule, etc)), minutes of meetings via video conference using the advanced network).

Participating Institutions:



  • Miguel Angel Mendez
  • javier torres
  • Dennis Hunt
  • Robert Hunt
  • Mauricio Cornejo
  • patrick puchaicela

Awarded budget: $46000

Project status: Running.