II Innova Moocs Contest

Innovative learning and teaching

The InnovaMOOC Contest was born with the purpose of promoting a culture of teaching and learning in the member institutions of the country, thus supporting the design, creation and production of Massive Open and Online Courses (MOOC), as well as the exploration of new educational models derived from MOOCs.

This contest aims to encourage and promote quality and pedagogical innovation through technology. Since the appearance of the Massive Open and Online Courses (MOOC), CEDIA together with its member institutions, seeks to position these initiatives in the country to generate a culture in the use of this type of course. To this end, this contest to support the design and production of MOOC courses among its members, so that they are published on the CEDIA MOOC platform and thus make visible the digital educational material that is generated at the national level.

The call is open and available to teachers and researchers from member institutions who can present and develop innovative MOOC course proposals in any thematic area that meet the quality expectations and requirements proposed by CEDIA.

Important dates
• Deadline for application: until 11:59 p.m. on May 6, 2022
• Date of publication of Phase 1 results: until May 23, 2022, via email to all participants
• Deadline for submission in Phase 2: until 11:59 p.m. on October 7, 2022
• Presentation of MOOC courses: until September 30, 2022
• Date of publication of Phase 2 results: until December 23, 2022, via email to all participants

If you want to know more about this event, we invite you to enter the following link .
