Implementation of an SDN Testbed Using the CEDIAInfrastructure

General Objective: Implement a testbed made up of a set of SDN prototypes using virtual, enabled and dedicated switches that communicate with controllers that execute modules that define the behavior of SDN developed based on free software infrastructures, and using the CEDIA 's network infrastructure .

Specific objectives:

  • Evaluate six free distribution software alternatives to use them as controllers in the simulation and SDN prototypes to be implemented.
  • Implement two modules for each controller alternative according to the programming language determined by said controllers and simulate them in Mininet for an SDN topology.
  • Evaluate three alternatives of free distribution high level abstraction tools for the implementation of modules to be executed in the evaluated controllers.
  • Implement two modules with each given high abstraction level tool and simulate them in Mininet with the corresponding controllers.
  • Design and implement three SDN prototypes based on virtual switches and execute the developed modules with the corresponding controllers.
  • Design and implement three SDN prototypes based on low-cost enabled switches and execute the developed modules with the corresponding drivers.
  • Design and implement a prototype of SDN based on virtual switches, enabled and dedicated, with a remote controller and execute the developed modules with the corresponding controllers.
  • Evaluate the impact of the prototype with the remote controller on the operation of the SDN.
  • Have a testbed for the development of prototypes of future applications, aimed at changing the functionality of the network, for which adequately trained support personnel will be available.

Participating Institutions:



  • Ivan Marcelo Bernal
  • david mejia
  • Rodolfo Gordillo

Awarded budget: $57300

Project status: Running.