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MIPYME Innova Program rewards its winners!

MIPYME Innova linked the academy with the productive sector.

MSME-Innova - Award

The Chamber of Small Industry of Azuay, CAPIA; and CEDIA generated and executed the MIPYME Innova program, which aims to strengthen affiliated companies through work teams of university students who, as consultants, intervene in said companies.

Last May, the award was made through digital media to the group of students who won first place for their proposal presented to the innovation challenge of the company PROJASA. Jorge Espinoza, Miguel Sarmiento, Christian Lasso and William Campoverde, the winning students, will apply the proposal in this company during the following weeks under the supervision of a representative of the same to ensure this rapprochement between the academy and the company.

The award ceremony included the participation of Eng. Pedro Palacios Ullauri, Mayor of the city of Cuenca, as well as representatives of the CAPIA: Eng. Fernando Romero, President of the Board of Directors of the Chamber and Eng. Ma. Soledad Escandón, Director of Link with the Community of the University of Cuenca.
