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Innovation in the development of advanced communication systems using software-defined radio technologies with GNURADIO

Status: Running process

General Objective: Train professionals and researchers from CEDIA in the development of advanced communication systems based on RDS technology to evaluate hardware platforms and implement processing blocks compatible with GNURadio.


  • EPN
  • UTPL
  • espe


  • Manuel Quinonez
  • Patricia Ludena
  • Carlos Altamirano
  • Jorge Carvajal
  • Christian Tipantuna

Investigation area:

  • Information and communication technologies
  • Software Defined Radio
  • Reconfigurable Hardware


  • Introduction to RDS.
  • Hardware components.
  • USRP architecture.
  • Software Components.
  • Introduction to the GNURadio tool
  • GNU Radio architecture.
  • Development and evaluation of applications with GNURadio.
  • Design custom digital signal processing blocks.