CIW: CEDIA Innovation Week

It is an event that brings together researchers and prominent people from the innovation ecosystem, to encourage research trends that already exist at an international level in the national environment.
Community of Rectors is a world-class training program aimed at Rectors who are members of the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia - CEDIA .
The ESG diagnosis is not only presented as an institutional diagnostic instrument to identify sustainable criteria, but as a lighthouse that illuminates the path towards sustainable excellence in the academic network.
It consists of a comprehensive institutional diagnosis instrument to identify opportunities to take advantage of the benefits that CEDIA offers to the Science, Technology and Innovation environment and present recommendations for institutional strengthening through: R+D+i Diagnosis/Evaluation of the R+D+i environment, Diagnosis of maturity level in digital transformation, Strategic Surveillance and ESG Diagnosis (Environment, Sustainability, Governance).