General Objective: Determine the baseline, which will allow proposing a conversion process, of the communities located in the province of Imbabura of the PNCC, in a sustainable tourist destination and with empowered members (social capital).
Specific objectives
- Characterize the physical, environmental and natural elements of the PNCC (climate, soils, vegetation, fauna, etc.), of the socio-demographic conditions (age ranges, gender, density). Cultural aspects (traditions, folklore), economic (economic activities, ways of life, productivity), institutions and infrastructure (roads, system of populated centers).
- Determine the profile of the tourist or hiker who visits the PNCC, both current and potential
- Determine the installed capacity of the existing tourist services offer and the training needs of the community.
- Know the mechanisms of alliances of the residents (indigenous, afro and mestizo) with each other and with the public and private sector.
- Propose a sustainable tourist destination in each community under study, duly empowered with the necessary knowledge to make it sustainable.
Participating Institutions:
Project Director Ing. Xavier Dávalos, PhD.
- Xavier Davalos
- Yoarnelys Vasallo
- jamie moreno
- Alejandra Bedoya
- Janneth Albuja
- oswaldo martinez
- Jorge Bernal
- soraya
- Wendy Anzules
- Diana Caamana
- Gustavo Teran
Awarded budget: $28684
Project status: Signing of agreements.