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Intellectual Property Connect Brigades

Call for the participants of the CEPRA XIV Call


A mechanism through which Higher Education Institutions have the possibility of making a neutral and technical-legal assessment of the IDi results generated within their organizations, be it by their researchers, research groups and, in general, any member. of your organization, to make technical decisions about their management (protection/transfer).

We extend the invitation to researchers from the CEPRA program to apply in said call with their research results so that they have the possibility of being evaluated to determine if they could achieve an Intellectual Property registration in any of the categories, either:

• Invention patents
• Utility models
• Industrial designs
• Copyrights, etc.

Deadline for application: August 20, 2021

*It should be mentioned that the Intellectual Property Brigades will be financed by CEDIA *

Learn more about our Intellectual Property Brigades Program at the following link.
