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International Course on Medicinal Chemistry and Rational Evaluation in Relation to Various Drug Targets and Their Therapeutic Applications

Status: Completed

General Objective: Provide an updated and complete vision of the concepts, methods and tools of Medicinal Chemistry.


Claudio Alberto Olea Azar PhD.

Doctor of Science 1995 Universidad de Chile Chile mention Chemistry State Professor 1986 Universidad de Chile Chile Full Professor, Full-time Academic of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Chile. 1995 to date. Director of the Master's Program in Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile (2001-2004). Director of the PhD Program in Chemistry, Universidad de Chile (2006-2007). Undergraduate Professor: Analytical Chemistry 11, 111, Free radicals and antioxidants. Postgraduate professor: Spin trapping of biological application, molecular modeling. Research lines: free radicals, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, theoretical chemistry.

Mauricio Javier Moncada Basualto PhD.
Doctor in Chemistry 2018 Universidad Santiago Chile de Chile Professor of Chemistry 2013 Universidad Chile Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, UMCE2017 to date Professor Partial Time. Department of Inorganic Chemistry and

Analytical of the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Chile. 2015-2016 Professor, Inclusive Access, Equity and Permanence Program (PAIEP), University of Santiago de Chile


  • PUCE

Research areas:

  • chemical sciences
  • life sciences
  • Health Sciences