Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Cybersecurity Working Group
I did my doctoral studies in France in the area of computer security, specifically, in identity management. However, more broadly, my research work also focuses on network management, wireless networks and open infrastructures. I was a visiting professor at the University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil and was part of the Phare and NR2 research teams in France and Brazil respectively.
Additionally, I was also part of a CEPRA IX project in which we worked on the RSA Algorithm Optimization to improve performance and the level of security in encrypted messages on the Web; and currently, I am a collaborating researcher in a CEPRA XI project that deals with the measurement of air pollution.
From the experience in the proposal of this first Working Group, I can say that it is a very good initiative to be able to carry out long-term work, during which time more value-added products can be proposed for research, especially when counting With more universities and stable financing in this period of time, which will allow us to work without falling into administrative process problems.
Additionally, as feedback to CEDIA, we can delimit the lack of formal information, as well as greater dissemination on procedures and regulations that allow outlining the participation of each one of the universities. Additionally, communication on the part of CEDIA should be strengthened apart from the information found on the web portal.
Our proposal consisted of forming a Working Group that deals with "Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Cybersecurity" due to the need, faced today by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), to counteract the various attacks of security that put your information at risk, the availability of your computer systems, the continuity of the service and the affectation to the institutional image, also considering the new accreditation processes where the information security management processes are evaluated.
Under this premise, the working group proposes the analysis of data analytics methodologies and architectures applied together with decision support systems, which will allow HEIs to take actions based on institutional knowledge. The main objective is to strengthen the generation of knowledge in the use of data mining algorithms and machine learning by analyzing scenarios where they can be more applicable. In addition, to propose a big data and machine learning architecture that can be used by the different HEIs on demand without having to incur in money investments. For this, it is necessary to consider the security governance in organizations using these new technological solutions, establish communication methods between interested parties, collaboration processes between organizations' security groups, procedures for the collection, aggregation and analysis of data. data and the management of strategic indicators in cybersecurity considering the principles of personal privacy and transparency of information.
My greatest expectation is to be able to unite a cooperative work and in the same way a shared leadership as a team. However, it must be taken into account that there will always be initial challenges in the formation of an interdisciplinary research team, which includes the formation as a team, the work processes, the administrative part, among others. On behalf of the entire team, there are also many expectations due to the ambitious and interesting nature of the research topic, the main one being undoubtedly the success of this project, taking into account the repercussion and the great contribution that this will bring to HEIs.
Increasingly, it is a requirement that university professors not only remain in teaching, but that they can lead research hand in hand. However, the boom in research in recent years continues to be limited by the economic factor. That is to say, despite the support that we can receive from the HEIs themselves, there are times when the budget issue plays against the investigation.
With this, I would like to highlight initiatives such as CEDIA, which has made it possible to potentiate the work of Ecuadorian researchers, allowing it not to remain stagnant. We know that today, that at the country level we have more and more academic publications allowing us to visualize the work that is being done in each IES.
Taking into account that the Working Group lasts three years, in five years I visualize the sustainability plan in operation, but above all, I am sure of having socialized this project with the largest number of HEIs, thus replacing the existing security gaps and the lack budget in many cases. Without a doubt, also proposing another Working Group.
Yes, I had the opportunity to be a member of the CEDIA from 2015 to February 2018.
Additionally, I was part of two CEPRA projects.
Currently, apart from CEDIA , I am not aware of organizations that contribute to the development of research and academia in Ecuador. Personally, I think that CEDIA does an excellent job, as it has strengthened the relationship between universities in the field of research.
CEDIA is an alternative to the development of research and academia in Ecuador, where processes are agile, which allows research not to be limited by excessive administrative processes that sometimes exist in academic institutions.