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Juan Carlos Salamea Molina

"Red CEDIA has come a long way and has clear goals in terms of research, work networks, support and training."

Professor - Researcher at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Azuay

I am a doctor, specialized in general surgery and a subspecialty in trauma and emergency surgery, my line of research is trauma and emergencies, from its various angles, databases, prevention, promotion, training and management, also as a surgeon a A daily tool is video-surgery, which is highly dependent on technology and eye-hand coordination and ergonomics. Within these areas we have been working for many years, within research projects and publishing articles locally and internationally.

I found out through the social networks of the CEDIA Network and the application for my proposal to be awarded was easy, timely and viable.

With the group of researchers we have a line within occupational safety and ergonomics applied to video surgery, with which we are studying the postures, movements, body angles, during the use of clamps for video surgery, monitors, operating table and other equipment with which the surgeon can perform minimally invasive procedures. In this case, we relate anthropometry to the organization standards of an operating room for video surgery, and we demonstrate that these measures are not in accordance with those of the Ecuadorian surgeon, but their designs are based on North American or German anthropometric standards, which causes fatigue, color muscle and over the years diseases of the osteo-muscular system.

The most important thing is to show the results of our work and of the investigations that we have been carrying out within this line of ergonomics and video surgery, to demonstrate that other realities must be taken into account, in this case the differences in anthropometry second geographical latitude.

It is very difficult, I think that research is still seen as a hobby and not as the largest scale of knowledge or as the source of generating knowledge or creating our own reality.

There are really many long-term projects within my activity as a surgeon, mainly in the area of ​​trauma and emergencies, I hope they continue to bear fruit, demonstrating to my colleagues and students that as Ecuadorians we can generate knowledge and that from our reality this knowledge has more value in this globalized world.

Of course, I have known CEDIA since its beginnings with internet 2 and I have been working since 2014 within the telemedicine work group in trauma and emergencies.

They provide many opportunities, generate research networks, allow inter-institutional and interdisciplinary work and that teachers should know to motivate themselves and seek support to carry out their ideas.

The CEDIA Network has come a long way and has clear goals in terms of research, work networks, support, training. I invite teachers through their universities to be part of CEDIA and always be aware of their good news.