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The cedia mirror officially includes the AlmaLinux versions

This update is available from February 19.


At the end of 2020, RedHat announced a change of course with its CentOS clone system that implied the end of the support cycle for its version 8 by the end of 2021. Several initiatives arose to take the space left empty by CentOS, but more than that, to address the great concerns of millions of administrators around the world that they would run out of options by the end of 2021. One of those alternatives is AlmaLinux, an Operating System compatible 1:1 with RedHat's. , produced and financed by CloudLinux.

Since Friday, February 19, our Mirror OSS officially includes the versions of AlmaLinux released at the moment, contributing to the peace of mind of those millions of administrators who now have a totally viable, free option for our systems, servers and services with CentOS 8.
