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Launch of the Call for Proposal Construction for Public Policy on Digital Transformation of Health in Ecuador

This is a unique opportunity to play an active role in the evolution of the healthcare system.

Cedia , as the coordinating axis of Transform Health Ecuador, calls for applications with the construction of a public policy proposal focused on the digital transformation of the health sector in the country, which must identify the critical needs and problems to be addressed through a Situational diagnostic.

The call for this consultancy is divided into two application roles, intended for evaluators and has a deadline for submitting applications, December 14, 2023.

It is important to mention that one of the essential requirements to apply is collaborative work among its members, therefore, the proposal must be made by people or institutions belonging to different sectors of the public policy creation ecosystem, which include actors from the health field, academia, as well as servers in both the public and private sectors.

This call represents a key milestone in the drive towards digital transformation in the health sector in Ecuador, offering interested parties the opportunity to contribute significantly to the improvement of health services through innovation and technological development. .

For more information about the call and application requirements, interested parties can access the links provided based on their role of interest.

This is a unique opportunity to play an active role in the evolution of the Ecuadorian healthcare system through digital transformation.

In the following link you will find the details for the application: https:// cedia org-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/daniela_cordero_ cedia _org_ec/EsvGE6zsiuZLsmDiWsshkw4B1O9vz-nvhVcddnJtUsmQtw?e=6Cf86b
