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Learn more about RETEC (Network of Technological Resources)

Portal for supply and demand of technology and services generated by Ecuadorian HEIs.


The articulation between the academy, the productive sector and the citizenry are essential to strengthen research and technological development in the country. Thus, CEDIA , together with SENESCYT, have worked on the digital platform RETEC (Network of Technological Resources. This portal facilitates interaction between those who offer technological products and services with those who are looking for them.

In this way, public and private higher education institutions and institutes can access a wide supply and demand of technology and services generated by the Ecuadorian HEIs themselves.

As part of the portal launch process, a contest was held for HEIs, which consisted of giving special recognition to the institution and manager most committed to the growth of the platform. The National Polytechnic School was the winner, through its manager Eng. Fernando Chamba with the support of Eng. Byron Acosta, who have worked these months to upload EPN applications to the platform.

We invite you to learn more about RETEC by entering the following link .
