General Objective: Determine the composition of amphibian communities in five previously unexplored locations in the Llanganates National Park.

Specific objectives

  • In a period of 5 months, sample amphibians in five new locations never explored in the Llanganates National Park.
  • Over a period of 6 months, generate genetic barcodes for 150 amphibian specimens. The barcodes will allow candidate species to be discovered and their evolutionary relationships to be inferred.
  • In a period of 12 months, describe at least 7 of the new species of amphibians found in the Llanganates National Park.
  • Increase the biocollections of the zoology museums of the universities involved.
  • Generate a socialization network that includes information on the species found within the park, photographic identification guides and song registration through the strengthening of the PUCE digital repository (bioweb.bio) and the CEDIAdata connection network.
  • Generate amphibian identification guides from the Llanganates National Park for schools in the surrounding communities and provide environmental education talks at the end of the project, to socialize the results and highlight their importance.
  • Train park rangers and technical staff of the Llanganates National Park in the correct management and identification of herpetofauna.

Participating Institutions:



Project director Santiago Rafael Ron Melo.

  • Monica Alexandra Guerra Alomoto
  • Claudia Terán Eguez
  • Jhael Alejandra Ortega Páez
  • Diego Armijos Ojeda
  • Jószef Paul Székely

Awarded budget: $41784,45

Project Status: Completed