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Llankak Warmikunata Kamachikkuna (Protect the working woman)

General Objective: Establish protocols for the acquisition of biomechanical, ergonomic, anthropometric, clinical-postural, anthropological and clothing design data to study the cause of spinal deviations in indigenous women who use chumbi.

Specific objectives

  • Define anthropometric data acquisition protocols for the characterization of the study population.
  • Create a tool that allows the minimally invasive acquisition of clinical-postural data for the assessment of back deformities.
  • Develop ergonomic analysis tools to capture variations in risks when assessing the work environment of indigenous women engaged in agricultural work.
  • Develop biomechanical data acquisition protocols for the characterization of loads on the spine and trunk muscle activity.
  • Generate tools that allow establishing the roles played by women in daily life within the ethnic group, and determine the uses and functions (practical, aesthetic and symbolic) of the chumbi as an integral part of their culture.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Thalía San Antonio, Ph.D. in Engineering – UTA.

  • David Guevara
  • Marco Ciaccia
  • Carlos Calderon
  • Darwin Castillo

Awarded budget: $54300

Project status: Signing of agreements.