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Machine Learning Applied to Immersive Technologies for Academia and Industry

Status: Completed

General Objective: Train researchers from participating Higher Education Institutions in order to promote and increase proposals for research projects based on machine learning oriented to immersive systems in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality environments.


Dr. Gustavo Meschino
Electronic Engineer from the National University of Mar del Plata, studies between 1991 and 1997. PhD in Engineering, Electronic orientation, National University of Mar del Plata ("Hybrid Models of Computational Intelligence applied to the Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images »). Thesis pending for the Master's Degree in Software Engineering, National University of La Plata. Researcher at the Bioengineering Laboratory and the Digital Image Processing Group, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Mar del Plata. Category III granted by the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Nation.

Dr. Marco Benalcazar
Researcher of the Photovoltaic Energy Area of ​​the High Altitude Platform for Research Purposes (PGA) Project, Faculty of Sciences of the National Polytechnic School, April 2009 - July 2010. Laboratory Assistant of Newtonian Physics and Modern Physics of the National Polytechnic School, April 2008 – April 2009. Member of the Technical Department of Invetronica Cia. Ltda., August – September 2007.


  • espe
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  • POCH
  • A CH

Research areas:

  • Machine Learning
  • Immersive Technologies (Virtual Reality Augmented Reality)