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Modeling of biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer

General Objective: Model biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer.

Specific objectives:

  • Integrate the database with medical and microscopy images from the Radiological Imaging Diagnostic Center, Riobamba – Ecuador and the Microfluidics Laboratory of UTN, Buenos Aires – Argentina.
  • Develop a technological platform using software and hardware for intelligent image processing.
  • Apply Machine and Deep Learning architectures and develop algorithms for object detection and classification and integrate it with Transfer Learning for performance analysis.
  • Validate the results together with experts from the institutions in the imaging and oncology area participating in the proposal.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director José Luis Morales Gordon

  • Ramiro Fernando Isa Jara
  • Paola Gabriela Vinueza Naranjo
  • Pedro Fernando Escudero Villa
  • Manuel Ignacion Ayala Chauvin
  • Alfondo Julián Coronel Villacrés
  • Betiana Lerner

Awarded budget: $37380,00

Project status: In process