New control and automation techniques for continuous systems based on events and IEC 61499 standard

Status: Completed

General Objective: Know and apply new control and automation techniques for continuous systems based on
events and the IEC 61499 standard by carrying out theoretical and practical training to
strengthen the skills and knowledge of the participating teachers and researchers, and
belonging to the careers and engineering areas in Electronics, Control and Automation from the
Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), National University of Chimborazo
(UNACH), San Francisco de Quito University (USFQ) and ESPE Armed Forces University –
Latacunga Headquarters.

Specific objectives:

  • Understand the concepts of land administration, land tenure and land tenure security.
  • Know the structure of a land information system, its relationship with the cadastre and the new land administration model (ISO LADM 19152).
  • Analyze the role and risks of using technology in the design and implementation of land administration systems.
  • Contrast the land administration statements with the guidelines used in Ecuador's cadastral programs.


Project Director: Jorge Luis Hernández Ambato


  • Víctor Issac Herrera Pérez
  • Byron Andrés Casignia Vascones
  • Pablo Xavier Pilatásig Panchi

Awarded budget: $6.600