NEXUS analysis water-food-energy-ecosystem services in the face of changes in climate, land use and population. A novel approach to local sustainable development at the scale of a watershed.

General Objective: Analyze the Nexus approach between water, food, energy and ecosystem services at the watershed scale under scenarios of demographic changes, land use and climate.

Specific objectives:

  • Develop a social, economic and environmental diagnosis of water, food, energy and ecosystem services in the area of ​​study.
  • Determine scenarios of changes in climate, land use, hydrology and population.
  • Assess the connections of the nexus between water, food, energy and ecosystem services in the current scenario and scenarios of future changes.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Alexandra Elizabeth Guanuchi Quito

  • Otilia Vanesa Cordero Ahiman
  • María Isabel Fárez Plasencia
  • Carlos Marcelo Matovelle Bustos
  • Diego Aquiles Heras Benavides
  • Juan Carlos Gonzalez Rojas
  • Jorge Leonardo Vanegas Ruiz
  • Jhenny Marlene Cayambe Terán

Awarded budget: $48000,00

Project Status: Completed