NGS Analysis of Pathogens

Executive Summary: In Ecuador, due to both its megadiversity and the recent increase and modernization of scientific research, as well as information processing techniques, in recent years biological data of various kinds (biomedical, biotechnological, ecological, agronomic, etc.). This large quantity, heterogeneity and fragmentation of the data produced at the national level makes it difficult to process it to produce relevant and non-redundant information and knowledge and generate solutions to the biological problems present in the country.

Thus, it is possible to better understand biological systems at the level of structural and functional genomics, find patterns, generate models (epidemiological, population redistribution due to climate change, metabolomic), plan the management of invasive species, or natural areas or reserves, generate Fundamental data for the implementation of areas with different uses, etc.

Therefore, the efficient development of a bioinformatics infrastructure is especially relevant for Ecuador due to its high biological wealth. The proposal that we present intends to optimize in the future the current state of the production, processing and organization of biological data on a national scale, with the practical purposes described. It has been thought of integrating the technical and scientific infrastructure that the country is already beginning to have, mainly:

  • Computing and communication infrastructure of the CEDIANetwork.
  • The recently created Networks:
  • REDU REBIN, a national Bioinformatics network in which the institutions attached to the proposal we present, among others, participate, and made up of specialist researchers or those interested in Bioinformatics residing in the country. Website under construction.
  • BIOALI CYTED (, an international network for the implementation of 'omics' studies (data sets of all the different biological systems) in plant improvement programs.
  • Both computer clusters that the ESPE and ESPOL universities have, each one with its specificities and capabilities.
  • The next generation sequencing platform that ESPOL has, the only public one in the country, from which you also have access to databases and modern bioinformatics tools.

Based on these local capacities, this proposal aims to provide the initial impulse for future networks that integrate and optimize technical and human resources in bioinformatics and biostatistics (transversal tools in the biological sciences), extending collaboration to the entire national level and, in a regional future, generating meeting spaces that also allow teaching and training.

For this, we have built a pilot proposal, based on two subprojects around a specific theme: analysis of omic data of pathogen-host interaction in some of the most important production systems in Ecuador. The results of the project will contribute to the development of strategies and plans for prevention, containment, treatment, and mitigation, including genetic improvement and comprehensive agricultural and animal health, contributing to the economy, conservation, and job creation.

General Objectives: Promote in Ecuador the capacity for research and networking in the field of Bioinformatics, applied to specific omics studies: genomics and transcriptomics of parasite-eukaryotic host interactions in two pilot studies.

Specific objectives:

  • Characterize pathogenic organisms using omic data and relate them to virulence.
  • Establish the pathogen-host interaction through the interpretation of genomic and transcriptomic data.
  • To establish the capsid structure of RNA plant viruses from transcriptomic data.
  • Establish possible metabolomic changes from the changes in the babaco host transcriptome.
  • Analyze aspects of molecular evolution.
  • Develop in the country a prototype of a public system for the analysis of polymeric sequences using free software tools already available that will support the research; The model includes the connectivity hardware and infrastructure existing in CEDIA, ESPE and ESPOL, which may evolve and adapt to the needs that arise.
  • Extend, in the future, the exchange of bioinformatics resources at a national and supranational level.

Participating Institutions:



Project manager Carlos Noceda Alonso.

  • Carlos Noceda Alonso
  • Francisco Javier Flores Flower
  • Christian Pena
  • Luis Enrique Trujillo Toledo
  • Monica Jadan Guerrero
  • Karina Proaño Tuma
  • Enrique Pelaez Jarrin
  • Bonny Bayot
  • Washington B. Cardenas
  • Sixto Garcia
  • Daynet Sosa del Castillo
  • Leda Restrepo Cardona
  • Gabriela Mariduena
  • Ismael Valderrama Saltos
  • Nardy Diez Garcia
  • Miguel Angel Mendez
  • Jessenia del Pilar Cardenas Cobo
  • Simon Perez Martinez
  • Mirella Correa Peralta
  • Rafael Seleyman Lazo Sulca
  • Oscar Dario León Hail

Awarded budget: $53159

Project status: In progress.