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Omar Santiago Alvarado Cando

"Trust in the capabilities that Ecuadorian researchers have, that from each of our research centers we can generate science and solve problems in our society."
Omar Alvarado

Teacher and Researcher at the School of Electronic Engineering at the University of Azuay.

My research is in the area of ​​Applied Biomedical Engineering and is focused on biosignal processing and assistive technology. We are currently developing communication technology so that people with cerebral palsy can express their needs and in the future be part of the national educational system.

CEDIA staff visited my university where they announced all the services and benefits offered to member entities, including this Divulga Ciencia.

When presenting my proposal, I was very uncertain due to the short time in which the papers were presented and the proximity of the congress that I had to attend. But the CEDIA staff was efficient. After the adjudication, in one week all the procedures were carried out to be able to attend said event.

The design and validation of a multidisciplinary curriculum for microcontrollers was presented, where the acquisition of biosignals, actuator management and control of hand prostheses through microcontrolled systems are combined.

The participation was very fruitful in the congress. Universities in India and Boston will take this new teaching methodology as a reference to apply it in their curricula in the future.

Research in Ecuador is directed so that in the future the needs that the country and society have can be solved. We still have a long way to go but we are on the right path; demonstrating the capacity and talent of Ecuadorian researchers.

Developing and providing accessible technology to improve the quality of life of the most needy people in our country. Always focused on "Technology at the service of others" and trying to guarantee the right to communication that all people have regardless of their disability.

If you had heard of CEDIA , especially about the CEPRA call.

They are a fundamental pillar for the development of the country and thanks to their contribution, more far-reaching projects can be carried out and solutions to the needs of Ecuador can be provided.

Trust in the capabilities that Ecuadorian researchers have, that from each of our research centers we can generate science and solve problems in our society.

Finally, thank you CEDIA for supporting the research in Ecuador.