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Participate in the self-assessment of digital skills of university professors and institutes in Ecuador

Your contribution is essential for the higher education system
Participate Metared Ecuador

This initiative is carried out in MetaRed Ecuador in collaboration with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia - CEDIA and the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Union, and makes an adapted version of the tool available to Ecuadorian universities. of self-assessment of digital skills (DigCompEdu) for their teachers. This tool will allow participating teachers, universities and institutes to know their level of development in digital skills and thus undertake improvement plans and personal and institutional growth. In the same way, MetaRed Ecuador will be able to count on aggregated information at the country level, which will allow it to design appropriate skills development initiatives for each reality.

We are sure that this initiative can be very beneficial for the Ecuadorian Higher Education System, since, as you know, it has two fundamental objectives:

• That each institution can make a diagnosis of the competences of its HEI teachers.

For this reason, we ask you to spread it as widely as possible among the professors of your institutions.

We remind you of the information you can use to disseminate this valuable action:

How can I access the recording of the Meeting?
Through the Metared Youtube channel. Recording of the meeting:

What information do universities receive?
Participating universities that request it will receive the results corresponding to their institution in a confidential manner. For its part, MetaRed Ecuador will carry out and publish a global report with aggregated data (institutions are not nominally identified in the results and no ranking of universities is carried out).

Where can I find information on this initiative for the Evaluation of Digital Competences of teachers to be developed in Ecuador?
The Executive Secretary of MetaRed Ecuador, Juan Patricio Córdova Ochoa used a presentation at the meeting to explain the initiative as a whole.
You can consult it at the following link .

How do we get the teachers from my institution to participate?
We ask that you spread the word about this initiative through the channels that your institutions use to reach teachers.
You can directly disseminate the self-assessment tool whose link you will find in this communication under the heading.

What is the link to the self-assessment tool?
You can also disseminate the following website where the information on the initiative is synthesized and of course there is also a link to the self-assessment tool for teachers' digital skills.
• Link

Is there any cost to use the tool?
No. We only ask you to give it the highest level of dissemination possible among the professors to take advantage of the potential of the proposal and obtain representative results for global analysis and for each university.

What is the link to the self-assessment tool?
Below is the link to the self-assessment tool.
That this link reaches the largest number of professors in your institution will allow them to carry out a better analysis of the level of digital skills of their professors. • Self-assessment link

If you cannot find your institution, you can notify us to try to incorporate it in the following email: competencias-digitales-ec@metared.org

What is MetaRed Ecuador?
It is a collaborative network of public and private universities that serves as a place for meeting, debate and reflection on the use of ICTs in HEIs for their Digital Transformation. It is part of the global MetaRed and summons the ICT managers of the universities.

Where can I contact to collaborate or find out about activities like this that are carried out in MetaRed Ecuador?
MetaRed Ecuador website .

How do I contact Metared Ecuador?
Executive Secretary: juan.cordova@cedia.org.ec MetaRed cedia
: coordinacion@metared.org
