General Objective: Physical-chemical characterization and bioactivity tests of Andean floral species with nutritional potential and preventive effect of certain human diseases.
Specific objectives
- Sampling and characterizing 100 Andean floral species from different INIAP stations and Ecuadorian botanical gardens.
- Select 10 floral species little studied, with high contents of total carotenoids or total phenolic compounds.
- Carry out the chemical analysis, antioxidant activity and in vitro tests of the 10 selected floral species.
- Create a digital database with nutritional guides for the 10 selected floral species.
Participating Institutions:
UPS, UTE, UTA, INIAP, University of Seville.
Project Director Elena del Rocío Coyago Cruz, PhD. Agrarian, Food, Forestry and Sustainable Rural Development Engineering – UPS.
- Paco Fernando Noriega Rivera
- Viviana Pamela Chiluisa Utreras
- Ivonne de los Angeles Vaca Suquillo
- Carlos Ernesto González Gallardo
- Olalla Barreiro Costa
- Maria Jose Guerrero Ochoa
- Manuel Alberto Coronel Feijo
- Ruben Dario Vilcacundo
- Mayra Liliana Paredes Star
- Maria Belen Quelal
- Antonio Jesus Melendez Martinez
- Carla Maria Stinco Scanarotti
- Paula Mapelli
Awarded budget: $74400
Project status: Signing of agreements.