Profile of polyphenolic compounds in cocoa CCN-51, used in the preparation of artisanal chocolate in southern Ecuador: hallmark and functional properties

General Objective: Characterize the profile of polyphenolic compounds in fresh beans and products derived from the fermentation of clonal cocoa CCN-51, used in the production of artisanal chocolate by small and medium-sized producers in southern Ecuador, and assess the functional potential through the evaluation of the antioxidant and inhibitory activity of enzymes involved in non-communicable diseases, with a view to strengthening the value chain of artisanal cocoa production in southern Ecuador.

Specific objectives

  • Analyze the profile of polyphenolic compounds by means of liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, in order to explore the composition of polyphenolic compounds in fresh beans, processed cocoa and artisanal chocolate, which will be applied in the evaluation of CCN-51 clonal cocoa, produced in the Ecuadorian austro.
  • To evaluate the functional potential of organic extracts of cocoa and artisanal chocolate from at least five CCN-51 cocoa producers, for their content in phenolic compounds by Folin Ciocalteau assay, flavan-3-ols by vanillin assay, antioxidant activity, by capturing free radicals ABTS, DPPH and FRAP and inhibitory of the enzymes α glucosidase and α amylase, involved in the mechanism of diabetes and acetylcholinesterase, related to the study of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Promote the organization of a group of small and medium producers of CCN-51 clonal cocoa, from the areas of Zhucay (Canton of Cañar, Cañar) and Putucay (Canton of Cuenca, Azuay), through the transmission of the results of the project and the empowerment of the artisan cocoa production value chain of southern Ecuador, with a hallmark in its functional potential due to its antioxidant and inhibitory activity of enzymes involved in the development of non-communicable diseases.

Participating Institutions:



Director of the project María Elena Cazar Ramírez.

  • Maritza Ochoa Castro
  • Marco Lazo Velez
  • Carlos Tenezaca Ordoñez
  • Omar Malagon Aviles
  • Vladimir Morocho Zaragocín
  • Geovanny Figueroa Hurtado

Awarded budget: $31875,00

Project status: In progress.