Promote a circular economy based on the care of non-renewable resources

Open call for HEIs, MSMEs, GADs, public, private and general public sectors

The German Society for International Cooperation - GIZ, the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries and the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia -CEDIA through the Circular Challenges program, promote projects and spaces that contribute to the resolution of problems of the social and productive sectors of Ecuador, through the economic revitalization of the country, conserving the environmental quality and the basic natural resources for development. All this based on the principle of the Circular Economy.

Within the axis of action of this initiative, special emphasis will be placed on the problems of the social and productive sectors that are going through strong environmental dilemmas in the intermediate cities of our nation. Through the implementation of challenges of:

Social innovation with projects in initial stages of pre-incubation and incubation to solve needs within the framework of waste management of the Municipal GADs.
• Open innovation in MiPyMEs and other social and solidarity economy actors in the acceleration of a new line of business, product diversification or improvement in production processes.
• Circular innovation to accelerate private company projects that are currently underway.

This initiative seeks to satisfy the different needs of the actors in the innovation ecosystem that revolves around the Circular Economy, through the following subcomponents:

Subcomponents Circular Challenges:
• Challenge of Social Innovation Municipalities
• Challenge of Open Innovation Private Companies
• Challenges of Circular Innovation
• National Awards in Circular Economy and Innovation

CEDIA acts as manager of this program because we firmly believe that collaborative work and the simultaneous focus on the environmental, social and economic axes will promote a conscious responsibility for the ecological, guaranteeing the ability to maintain natural resources in productive processes and management to the long of the time.

Dates of interest:
Call Launch Event: March 3, 2022
Training in Circular Innovation: March 21, 2022
Call Closing: May 13, 2022
Notification to winners and award event: June 2, 2022

We invite you to learn more about the Circular Challenges program by visiting the website .
