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Reliable communication system with equipment falls and recoveries with security through anonymous identification

General objective:

  • Anonymity.
  • reliability.
  • Drop.
  • Sorting of delivered messages.
  • Dynamism.

Specific objectives:

  • Specify, design and implement in C/C++ a new fault detector protocol for anonymous systems that allows dynamism, crashes and recoveries of equipment. There is currently no protocol in the international literature that meets all these characteristics for anonymous systems.
  • Specify, design and implement in C/C++ a new consensus protocol for anonymous systems that allows dynamism, crashes and recoveries of equipment. There is currently no protocol in the international literature that meets all these characteristics for anonymous systems.
  • Specify, design and implement in C/C++ an application (messaging, forum, or electronic bulletin board type) that tests the reliable dynamic communication system with equipment crashes and recoveries implemented in this proposal.
  • Test in the most systematic way possible the operation of the different main blocks that make up the system, that is, the fault detector protocol and the consensus protocol. In this way we want to achieve a communications system that is as robust as possible.

Participating Institutions:



  • David Guevara
  • Carlos Herrera Munoz
  • Fabio Gonzalez Gonzalez
  • Juan Diego Jara Saltos
  • Paul Andrés Chasi Pesantez

Awarded budget: $69174

Project status: Finished