Roadmap for the creation of Scientific-Technological-based enterprises in Higher Education institutions of Ecuador

The creation of spin-offs at the university level is considered

The winning project of the CEPRA XV-2021 call "Towards a systemic model for the creation of scientific-technological ventures in higher education institutions in Ecuador", carried out between the University of Cuenca, University of Experimental Technology Research Yachay and the Carchi State Polytechnic University, proposes an emerging systemic model whose stages are visualized through a roadmap for the creation of spin-offs in a university environment.

For the construction of this model, some components were analyzed that would allow determining key factors for the creation of this type of ventures, a first component related to the level of maturity of the existing research projects within the HEIs studied, a second component that it was the level of entrepreneurial intention of the researchers and finally the level of maturity of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems of the HEIs. Based on the results obtained, the construction of a systemic model based on four stages and necessary elements was structured to promote the evolution of a scientific research project until the generation and consolidation of a profitable business model that promotes the creation of technology-based ventures. .

The proposed roadmap was disclosed in a webinar on March 24, achieving great visibility, since around 90 attendees participated. This roadmap can be downloaded free of charge from the following link .
