sann guun yoo

"The support provided by CEDIA, both economic, technological and human, is of great value, and will surely help to improve the results of their investigation processes."

IoT and Smart Cities Working Group.

Sang Guun Yoo, a researcher from South Korea who is collaborating as a tenured professor at the National Polytechnic School.

I have had the opportunity to be part of different scientific and technological research processes in different institutions, both in South Korea and Ecuador.

In Korea, I was fortunate to be a part of various research projects funded by Samsung Electronics and also had the opportunity to serve as Chief Research Engineer at LG Electronics Research Center (CTO). At this stage of my life as a researcher, I had the opportunity to work on creating innovative security solutions for mobile devices.

On the other hand, in Ecuador, I had the responsibility of leading different research projects related to the areas of computer security, Internet of Things and smart cities.

Through the different research projects, it was possible to generate innovative technological solutions that were implemented in real products. In addition, it was possible to generate new knowledge, which was shared with the world community through dozens of scientific articles.

And now, I am pleased to be part of the CEDIA Working Group that will work on Internet of Things and Smart Cities. We hope that, through this initiative, we can generate new knowledge and technological solutions that will benefit the development of Ecuador.

I was able to learn about the call through social networks. I then went to the CEDIA website for more detailed information. Once I understood the requirements, benefits and responsibilities of a Working Group, I felt highly motivated and took the lead in generating the first drafts of the proposal, that is, selecting the field of action and outlining the project ideas. I shared the initial design with fellow researchers from various universities, and they showed great interest and enthusiasm. So we held several work meetings to land the ideas of the initial design in more concrete proposals. I believe that the synergy that was created from the different experiences of the researchers allowed us to generate a proposal of national interest. And I believe that this collaboration allowed our proposal to be selected as one of the CEDIA Working Groups this year.

The purpose of the proposed Working Group is to research and develop technological solutions in the field of Internet of Things and Smart Cities, in order to minimize the knowledge and technology gap with respect to pioneering countries. Through this group, we hope to generate new knowledge in the area and generate technological solutions that can be implemented in real applications that benefit Ecuadorian society. First, we will work on creating smart home technologies, then we will broaden the field of action to smart buildings, and then try to meet the needs of the country's citizens through smart city technologies.

We believe that the country's development should be based on synergies between the different actors in society. Through the proposed Working Group, we first hope to generate synergy between the participating universities. Then, we want to expand collaboration with other sectors. We hope to democratize the knowledge generated in the research processes with other actors of the academic and scientific society, through talks, seminars and scientific-technological events. We also want to share the experiences of creating and implementing solutions for the Internet of Things and smart cities with young entrepreneurs and private companies, so that they can generate new products and services, and we can jointly contribute to the economic development of the country.

I have been able to notice that research in Ecuador has advanced enormously in recent years. Both the State and the academy have realized that the main resources to generate sustainable development and growth in the country are scientific research and technological development. I see that there is already greater support from the State through initiatives such as funds for research projects, funds for ventures and scholarships for studies abroad; while the academy has realized that scientific research is a fundamental pillar of its raison d'être and has begun to motivate its teaching staff to participate in research and technological development processes.

However, despite the great progress, I believe that there is still a long way to go. It is clear that, in order to achieve the scientific-technological development of a country, it is necessary for there to be a dynamic connection between the State, academia and the private sector. Although, thanks to the latest advances in research, there is already a better connection between the State and academia, it has not yet been possible to actively involve the private sector. It can be noted that the application of knowledge generated by universities in private companies is minimal and the investment of private companies in research projects is almost nil.

I think it's really important to have the active participation of the private sector for different reasons. First, companies are the ones who best know the needs of the market/society (which are very dynamic and changing) and they are the ones who can best deliver new ideas and requirements for research projects (except for the cases of basic research that we will analyze). on another occasion). Second, the knowledge and technologies generated in the research processes should be applied to real products and services offered by the private sector to generate new economic resources; It is really difficult for the academy to generate knowledge and be able to commercialize it at the same time. Finally, if the private sector benefits financially from the research processes, it will begin to invest in research projects, creating a virtuous circle for the benefit of society. Obviously, for this virtuous circle to occur, the support of the State with incentives, advice and appropriate policies is essential.

I think that, although we have not yet been able to build a perfect environment for research, we are going in the right direction. I think that if we all pitch in, we will be able to build the Ecuador that is a researcher and developer of new technologies that we all want.

We hope to consolidate the proposed Working Group as the pioneering entity on Internet of Things and smart cities in Ecuador. We will work proactively so that the Working Group can generate new knowledge and technological solutions that can contribute to the economic and social development of the country. Personally, I hope that you can continue contributing to the development of the country, either through teaching or research; I hope to be able to give back, even a little, of what I have received from Ecuadorians.

The first time I heard about CEDIA was through fellow researchers from Ecuador, who gave me very good references. Later, thanks to CEDIA's invitation, I was able to collaborate in some of its activities related to research. These opportunities allowed me to learn a little more about the different services that the organization offered and the great contribution that it made to the academic and scientific community of the country.

I am one of the people who firmly believes that the main resources to generate sustainable development and growth in a country are scientific research and technological development. I believe that organizations like CEDIA, which support the development of research and academia, are not only contributing to the aforementioned areas, but are also contributing to Ecuador's comprehensive sustainable development. We hope that these organizations continue to support the country's scientific community so that more and better results can be generated for the benefit of Ecuadorian society.

First of all, I would like to send a big greeting to the entire academic and research community in Ecuador; and at the same time indicate that the IoT and Smart Cities Working Group is open to collaborate with any person or proactive organization that wishes to contribute to the development of the country.

Additionally, I would like to invite all researchers to participate in the different calls of the CEDIANetwork. The support provided by CEDIA, both economic, technological and human, is of great value, and will surely help to improve the results of your research processes.