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SPIDER Consortium met in Madrid to share advances in Cooperation in Digital Transformation 

This meeting represented a significant step in the advancement of cooperation between the European Union and Latin America.

CEDIA in conjunction with the advanced academic networks of Chile, Brazil and Costa Rica; the Polytechnic University of Madrid; the German Aerospace Center; the European digital innovation ecosystem EIT DIGITAL; and the companies Inmark and EurA PT, formed a bi-regional consortium that awarded the SPIDER project (EU-LAC Strategic Partnership for the Implementation of Digital Dialogues in R&I Cooperation).

SPIDER seeks to support the exploitation of the full potential of the BELLA network and the implementation of the results of the dialogues between Europe and Latin America, in the implementation of digitalization, innovation and education.

In this context, one of the last activities of the Consortium took place on February 22 and 23 at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, with the Consortium Meeting 22-23 February 2024 . Space that served to analyze work strategies and the next steps to follow in the Work Package/Task phase.

CEDIA , as leader of Work Package 1, was responsible for socializing the work under the exhibition “Framework for enhancing EU-LAC cooperation on digital transformation”. Among the main discussions, the presentation of the progress for the creation of the concept note for cooperation between the European Union and Latin America, in terms of digital transformation, as well as the mapping of key dialogues stood out.

Specifically, emphasis was placed on the results obtained from the collection of information and the first virtual workshop organized by CEDIA in December 2023. Likewise, a space was organized for the co-creation of qualitative indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of the results of the dialogues.

This meeting represented a significant step in the advancement of cooperation between the European Union and Latin America. In the field of digital transformation. Allowing you to take advantage of the full potential of the BELLA project and the experience of the actors that make up the Consortium.
