CYTED is an intergovernmental program of multilateral cooperation in Science and Technology

The Executive Director of CEDIA on STI Challenges in Galapagos on October 26 , within the framework of the Ibero-American Science and Technology for Development Program – CYTED.
The CYTED promoted by the Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation - Senescyt, is an intergovernmental program of multilateral cooperation in Science and Technology, which contemplates different perspectives and visions to promote cooperation in Research and Innovation for the Development of the Region Ibero-American.
The main objective of the CYTED Program is to contribute to the harmonious development of the Ibero-American Region through the establishment of cooperation mechanisms between research groups from Universities, R&D Centers and innovative companies of the Ibero-American countries, which aim to achieve scientific results. and technological transferable to productive systems and social policies.
On this occasion, the Executive Director of CEDIA was invited to participate in this Program, in this space the advances, benefits and the important role that CEDIA plays in the development and promotion of the country's education, innovation and technology ecosystems were shared.