Theoretical-Practical Analysis of the Intestinal Microbiome

Status: Completed

General Objective: The objective of this training program is to provide participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills to study the intestinal microbiome and its multiple effects on pathophysiological processes.


Sandra Méndez Fajardo
Civil Engineer and PhD in Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá Colombia; Master in Civil Engineering with Environmental emphasis from the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. She has more than 20 years of professional experience as a teacher, researcher, project manager, and consultant in solid waste and resource management. She has special experience in the systemic design of projects and policies, community empowerment and actors in solutions related to WEEE management, organic waste use and waste management in general. With her doctoral thesis, she methodologically advised the systemic design of the National Policy for the Integral Management of WEEE in Colombia (2014-2106), and currently advises different countries in Latin America and Africa.

Embriette Hyde
As a PhD trained microbiome researcher (Baylor College of Medicine, 2014), my passion is to responsibly share science with the world. My career has moved me from managing a citizen science project to writing for the worried well to writing for biotech and other science enthusiasts. In all cases, hype is a threat, and I have made it my life goal to advocate for responsible science reporting and education. I am also passionate about training the next generation of scientists and providing students with opportunities that I didn't have growing up. And, I am available to share my expertise with those interested in studying the microbiome but who are unsure where to start. In all of these ways, I can help train people to responsibly digest, learn, and do the science that I am so passionate about.

Ana Elisa Martinez de Campo
Professor-Researcher at the University of La Ciénega in the State of Michoacán. Engineering in Nanotechnology Nano bio materials, Eco toxicology, normativity, bioethics), Master's Degree in Philosophy of Science, Chair- Ethics Commission, Member of the State Council of Ecology


  • joint venture
  • UTA

Research areas:

  • Health
  • Life Cycle Engineering
  • Environmental management
  • Comprehensive Waste Management