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TICEC opens its Call for Papers

The X edition will focus on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development and ICT

This year the TICEC celebrates its tenth edition. The most important event in Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador will be held at the Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University. We invite all researchers, teachers, and students to schedule their attendance on October 12, 13, and 14, 2022.

We invite researchers worldwide to submit and publish their contributions to the Scientific Track until June 19.

TICEC 2022 will focus on the areas of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development and ICT and its application to the real world. TICEC is a premier conference that brings together researchers and practitioners from various fields to explore the fundamental functions, interactions, and practical implications of ICT. It is part of the conference cycle launched in 2013.

Prepare your contributions for this track and schedule your attendance at TICEC 2022 in your agenda from October 12 to 14, 2022.

All paper submissions will be double-blind, peer-reviewed and evaluated for originality, research content, correctness, relevance to the conference, and readability. Please read the full call for papers guidelines before submitting your paper. These contributions must be aligned with the themes of the conference.

Learn more about this academic event by entering: the website .
