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TICEC celebrates 10 years

From October 14 to 16, one of the most successful editions of the Congress took place


From October 14 to 16, the tenth edition of the TICEC 2022 International Congress was held at the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - ULEAM. This edition had the participation of 650 virtual and face-to-face attendees, regarding the academic field, the congress presented five invited keynote speakers, five workshops-tutorials with instructors belonging to the academy and the company.

This year, 135 contributions were received between the scientific track, technical track and doctoral symposium, from 10 countries including Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, France, Serbia, Spain, Uruguay and Ecuador, all of them written in English and Spanish. . Each article was reviewed by at least 3 members of the Scientific Committee, which is made up of 173 international reviewers from 39 countries with extensive experience in the topics of the congress.

After a meticulous "double blind" selection process, 20 articles were accepted in the scientific track, 17 articles in the Doctoral Symposium, and 11 articles in the technical track, resulting in

This year, the scientific track contributions are published in a special springer volume indexed by Scopus. It should be noted that the volumes where the articles accepted in their first year are published have been downloaded more than 2,000 times by different users worldwide. This shows that TICEC is having an increasing impact with each edition. Regarding the technical track, this year the RTE magazine of ESPOL has dedicated a special volume to us. The journal is indexed in relevant national and international databases.

Additionally, the Doctoral Symposium has doubled the number of contributions compared to its first edition, on the other hand, the second workshop of the e health by CEDIA program was developed, called Wellness technologies made up of exhibitors from national and international organizations, ECHO clinics and Sessions NEXT.

With great pride we have closed ten editions of the main technology congress in Ecuador, an academic event that has grown year after year thanks to the contribution of higher education institutions, the participation of national researchers and technicians, who have seen in TICEC a space to make their research, results and advances in science, technology and innovation visible.

We are working on the eleventh edition of the TICEC, expect big surprises. Visit our gallery TICEC 2022
