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Towards a systemic model for the creation of scientific-technological-based ventures in higher education institutions in Ecuador

General Objective: Develop a systemic model that promotes the generation of EBCT-based scientific-technological ventures within Higher Education Institutions -HEIs, based on the characterization and definition of the main factors that promote the creation of this type of venture within of an academic field.

Specific objectives

  • Carry out a diagnosis of the existing context for the creation of EBCT among the participating HEIs, regarding the entrepreneurial intention and aptitude of the researchers, the potentiality and link with society of the existing research within each institution, and the environment of each participating HEI (institutionality, regulatory policies, access to financing, access to technology and incentives for the creation of this type of enterprise).
  • Establish the main factors necessary to promote the creation of scientific-technological-based ventures within the participating HEIs, identified from the information collected in the diagnosis of each of the participating HEIs and the literature review.
  • Propose a systemic model that adapts to the context of the HEIs of Ecuador analyzed, based on those determining factors for the creation of EBCT.
  • Design a roadmap for the implementation of the systemic model that establishes the main guidelines necessary for the creation of EBCT, within the participating HEIs.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Silvia Alexandra Peña González.

  • Silvia Alexandra Pena Gonzalez
  • Jorge Washington Delgado Noboa
  • Graciela Marisa Salum
  • Levis Ignacio Zerpa Morloy
  • Diana Aracely Cuasapaz Burbano
  • Ramiro Fernando Urresta Yepez
  • Freddy Richard Quinde Sari

Awarded budget: $32050,01

Project status: Signing of agreements.