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Training in Application of Omics Techniques in Health and Nutrition

Status: Completed

General Objective: Educate Ecuadorian researchers, professionals, and students such as nutritionists, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who work with vulnerable populations of children, mothers, and the elderly, using omic tools such as genetics, epigenetics, metabolomics, and metagenomics, for the comprehensive management of information, analysis and interpretation of new biomarkers that contribute to the understanding of the relationship between human health and nutrition in the scenario of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


Doctor of Medicine at KUL- Louvain University – Belgium, Master in Public Health and Epidemiology – KUL- Louvain University – Belgium, PhD in Medical Sciences – UGENT – Ghent University – Belgium, MSc.
In Human Nutrition – Sheffield University – United Kingdom Co-founder and first president of the Belgian Nutrition Society
President of the Nutrition Section of the Belgian Supervisory Council of Health
Secretary of the Council of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies
University teaching

Win Vandem Berghe
Ph Biochimestry – Biotech – Gent University – Belgium, MSc Chemistry – Biotech – Gent University – Belgium, B. Sc Chemistry – Gent University – Belgium


  • espol

Research areas:

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • biomedicine
  • epigenetics
  • microbiome
  • metabolomics