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OAS – CONAHCYT scholarships for postgraduate studies in science and engineering in Mexico, 2024 / 2024-11-30

National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt) and the Organization of American States (OAS). USD 1 - 1200 The National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt), through the Coordination of Programs for the Formation and Consolidation of the Community (CPFCC) calls for professionals of nationality from any of the Member States of the Organization of the American States (OAS), in the areas of Physics, Mathematics and Earth Sciences, Biology and Chemistry, Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences (with the exception of the training of medical specialties and subspecialties), Biotechnology and Agricultural Sciences, who have obtained a scholarship within the framework of the Call for National Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies 2023 second period and the Call for National Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies 2024 first period, to participate in the selection process to obtain Complementary Support.
