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Urban Historical Cartography of the Guayaquil-Cuenca-Azogues axis. 15th-21st centuries

General objective: 

Generate, in the next 12 months, an open access, interactive, georeferenced and chronologically organized cartographic platform using nine historical maps of urban settlements along the Guayaquil-Cuenca-Azogues axis. These maps will be built from the analysis of pre-existing cartography and historical documentation, from the period before the Spanish conquest to the 21st century; in such a way that it allows the comparative study and the understanding of the urban evolution in this axis, both to academics, students and professionals, as well as to the citizenry.

Specific objectives

  • Collect and systematize, in the first four months, the cartography and historical texts related to the case study (urban settlements along the Guayaquil-Cuenca-Azogues axis), in a chronologically organized database. With the review of literature and previous research4, to identify the main moments or stages of urban evolution per century and thus define the period of each of the maps (one per century from the 15th to the 19th centuries, three in the second half of the 20th century and one current one -21st century-, nine maps in total).
  • Identify, in two months, the state of urban settlements and the main connection roads on each of the nine defined historical maps.
    Through the analysis and comparison of the information in the generated database, to define through a report the characteristics and contents of the data to be shown on each map and its organization by layers (geographic features, topography, settlements, roads, buildings, monuments and landmarks).
  • Design a free access mapping platform, in two months, by generating three components: 1) the user interface developed in Javascript, 2) the API backend application that would communicate with the interface, developed in Python, and 3) the map server. In order to visualize the historical cartography in a free, friendly and interactive way and allow its download in shape format.
  • Build and digitize, in five months, nine historical maps by drawing in QGIS5 the geographical features, topography, main settlements, intra- and inter-cantonal roads and the most representative buildings, monuments and landmarks, each accompanied by an explanatory text
    . In order to describe the process of urban growth of the case study and the evolution of the settlements, their relationships and main milestones.
  • Write, in three months, and submit for review in indexed journals, two scientific articles -one of them in English-, on the analysis of the urban evolution of the axis studied.
    Through the contrasting and synthesis of the cartography and the explanatory texts generated, disseminate the main findings of the research and make them available to the scientific community.
  • Integrate, in the last two months, the nine maps generated to the urban historical platform, through WMS/TWMS and WFS services from the server hosted in the CEDIA CEDIA . To enable the visualization and
    comparative and interactive analysis of the urban historical evolution of the case study, promoting its dissemination and allowing the free download of georeferenced information.
  • Prepare, in the last month, the script of the contents of the book on the process of periodization of the data found and the consequent elaboration of cartography and its interpretation, which includes the most relevant information in printed version, as well as the comparative analysis between historical stages of the axis under study; to enhance the dissemination of research results.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Fernanda Monserrath Aguirre Bermeo

  • Natasha Eulalia Cabrera Jara
  • Maria Isabel Carrasco Vintimilla
  • Lisseth Cristina Molina Toledo
  • Johnatan Fabricio Astudillo LLerena
  • Lauro Milton Verdugo Romero
  • Christian Hernan Contreras Escandon
  • Carangui Fernandez Zhubert Eugenio
  • Filiberto José Viteri Chávez
  • Gilda Melissa San Andres Lascano
  • Florencio Antonio Compte Guerrero
  • Gaudy Xiomara Orejuela Ronquillo

Awarded budget: $33320,00

Project status: In progress.