We are all part of this milestone, which is why we allow ourselves to thank you for the support and trust provided during the planning and execution of this project on an international scale, which began in 2016 as a utopia and today is a reality.

On June 15, 2022, the Ecuador Section of the Bella - Terrestrial Phase project was inaugurated in the city of Quito, an event that was attended by the European Union Commissioner, Jutta Urpilainen, the Minister of Telecommunications and the Information Society Eng. Vianna Maino, the Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation Mgst. Alejandro Ribadeneira, delegates of the European Union, European ambassadors in Ecuador and CEDIAdelegates.
For the execution of the project, a total amount of €40 million was available, of which €25 million was financed by the European Union, and €15 million by the National Research and Education Networks of Latin America. CEDIA through its members, managed a total of €4.6 million as a contribution to the BELLA project.
CEDIA through the BELLA-T project, is the only nationwide provider of a Worldwide Academic Network that allows its members to benefit at no additional cost from:
• CEDIA 's connection capacity to the Advanced European Network (GÉANT). CEDIA
's connection capacity to the North American Advanced Network (INTERNET2). CEDIA
's connection capacity to the Latin American Advanced Networks connected via RED CLARA.
• 30 times growth in the connection capacity to RED AVANZADA Global in Ecuador from the city of Manta.
• Access to the most powerful academic Supercomputer in Ecuador.
• Access to Artificial Intelligence Platforms.
The BELLA project is an example of teamwork and the creation of cooperation projects that promote scientific-technological innovation in developing countries, promote commercial exchange, expansion of the digital ecosystem and transformation in teaching-learning.
We believe in Cedia, we believe in Ecuador.
More information about the BELLA project below
• English version
• Spanish version