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We are looking for experts in Health Tech for our special interest groups – SIG

Be part of our panel of experts for future GISs

During the year 2021, 4 events were held on the One Health theme, bringing together the three state institutions at the forefront of managing this approach at the national level. INSPI, MAAE and AGROCALIDAD participated, as well as representatives of the national and international academy. For the year 2022; The theme selected for the development of our GIS meetings is "Health Tech", on this occasion actors from the ecosystem that are working on the generation or commercialization of solutions that involve technology for the strengthening of health services will be convened. .

After the success of the first meeting where the central theme was Telehealth and with the participation of Dr. Ruth Jimbo, Undersecretary for Strengthening the National Health System of the Vice Presidency, Joseline Carias, General Manager of RECAINSA, Samir Zeidan Cofunder de Goctors and Manuel Baldeón, research professor at UIDE; who shared with us the most relevant insights on the subject from their points of view on May 12 at the eHealth 2022 Meeting held at the Swissotel in the city of Quito.

We have three events left to do:
06/23/22 computer vision in Healthcare
09/22/22 IA in Drug Discovery
10/13/2022 Wearables as medical devices

We will have the participation of great national and international exponents, but we also want to publicize national developments in these topics; therefore, if you work on any of these issues and would like to be part of our panel of experts, contact us at cedia and express your interest, we will be happy to share your experience.
