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We invite you to update the Opendoar repositories!

Learn about the update of repository records in OpenDOAR during this Open Access Week

Jisc and COAR, together with the regional networks LA Referencia (Latin America), LIBSENSE (Africa) and OpenAIRE (Europe), request your update of records from their OpenDOAR repositories during this Open Access Week.

Repositories are an important infrastructure for open science, they promote equity and diversity in scholarly communications, they respond to the needs of different users. They also exemplify the key role institutions play in preserving, curating, and making accessible content that would otherwise not be available to the world.

A complete and accurate repository directory is essential to demonstrate the breadth of the global repository network and to enable the adoption of value-added services.

OpenDOAR is a global directory of open access repositories, and has 5,751 registered repositories, it is a gateway to some of the most valuable open access resources in the world; And now that OpenDOAR's metadata infrastructure has been simplified to increase the quality and consistency of its records, it's easier for the user to update information about their repository. And that's not all, there will be more improvements in 2022.

How to update the registry in OpenDOAR?

We will guide you through 3 easy steps:

1. Visit the repository record you want to update in OpenDOAR.

2. Select the “Suggest and update for this record” button at the bottom of the page which will take you to the online update form

3. Complete the form with your details, listing all necessary updates in the "Description" box. You can update the following values:


Repository name: You can include multilingual versions of the repository name. It simply lists the required variations and the respective languages

repository url

OAI-PMH Repository

Repository contact email address: Must be a generic email address and must not include a person's name

Repository Open Access Policy URLs: URLs can cover the following types of policies:
Metadata Policy: Access rights and permissions to information describing repository elements and minimum metadata requirements • Content Policy:
The types and versions of stored documents and data sets •
Data Policy: Access rights and (re)use permissions for full text and other full data elements • Submission Policy: Eligible
depositors , quality control, and disclosures Copyright
Retention Policy: Long-Term Retention, Migration, and Withdrawal Protocols

software name

Content Types
• Newspaper Articles
• Bibliographical References
• Conference and Workshop Papers
• Theses and Dissertations •
Reports and Working Papers
• Books, Chapters, and Sections
• Data Sets
• Learning Objects
• Software
• Patents
• Other Types of Specialty Articles

• Sciences
• Technology
• Engineering
• Mathematics
• Health and Medicine
• Arts and Humanities
• Multidisciplinary. (which covers all of the above)

Organization Name: You can include multilingual versions of the organization name. It simply lists the required variations and the respective languages

organization URL

Country: Please note that we are unable to update the record's metadata count, as this information is provided automatically through CORE

When will your registration be updated?
Depending on the volume of upgrade requests we receive, our goal is to process your upgrades by December 31, 2021

How to register a repository?
All you need to do is complete this form , which we will review and process for you•
