Santiago Ruilova

Modeling of biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer

General Objective: Model biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: ESPOCH, UNACH, UTI. Participants: Project Director José Luis Morales Gordon Budget awarded: $37,380.00 Project status: In process

Modeling of biological processes through the processing of medical and microscopy images using Artificial Intelligence for early detection and analysis of treatments in breast cancer Read more »

Development of a botanical pesticide prototype validated in corn cultivation

General Objective: Develop a prototype of a botanical pesticide from J. curcas and P. alliacea, validating it in corn cultivation. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTM, UTEQ, UTA, ESPAM. Participants: Project Director Dorys Terezinha Chirinos Torres Awarded Budget: $35009.70 Project Status: Completed

Development of a botanical pesticide prototype validated in corn cultivation Read more »

First aquatic mesocosm station in the Amazon region for the assessment of the risk of contaminants and climate change: from research to water resources management.

General Objective: Characterize the resilience of the biodiversity of the tropical aquatic ecosystems of the Ecuadorian Amazon to exposure by contaminants and the effects of climate change, through experimental mesocosm trials. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: IKIAM, UTN, UTPL, UV, UNAM. Participants: Project Director Hugo Mauricio Ortega Andrade Awarded budget: $30,000.00 Project status:

First aquatic mesocosm station in the Amazon region for the assessment of the risk of contaminants and climate change: from research to water resources management. Read more "

Valorization of Sacha Inchi cake for its application as a functional ingredient in the food industry.

General Objective: Value Sacha Inchi cake as a functional ingredient in the food industry by analyzing the anti-nutrients present and determining processes for their reduction. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UG, ESPOL, EPN, INIAP. Participants: Project Director Marcia Idilma Ochoa Palma Awarded Budget: $49,946.58 Project Status: Completed

Valorization of Sacha Inchi cake for its application as a functional ingredient in the food industry. Read more "

NEXUS analysis water-food-energy-ecosystem services in the face of changes in climate, land use and population. A novel approach to local sustainable development at the scale of a watershed.

General Objective: Analyze the Nexus approach between water, food, energy and ecosystem services at the watershed scale under scenarios of demographic changes, land use and climate. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, UCACUE, ESPOCH, PUCE. Participants: Project Director Alexandra Elizabeth Guanuchi Quito Awarded Budget: $48,000.00 Project Status: Completed

NEXUS analysis water-food-energy-ecosystem services in the face of changes in climate, land use and population. A novel approach to local sustainable development at the scale of a watershed. Read more "

Design of an efficient enzyme in the activation of the chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide for use in cancer gene therapy.

General Objective: To evaluate the activation efficiency of cyclophosphamide by the improved P450 enzyme using an in vivo reporter system and determine its kinetic characteristics. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTE, UCUENCA, USFQ. Participants: Project Director Saskya Estefany Carrera Pacheco Awarded Budget: $35,222.00 Project Status: Completed

Design of an efficient enzyme in the activation of the chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide for use in cancer gene therapy. Read more "

Platform for Hydroelectric Microgeneration in Rural Areas of Ecuador.

General Objective: Create a digital platform that allows the management of georeferenced water and sedimentation parameters for the analysis of areas with high energy potential that contribute to the implementation of hydroelectric microgeneration in rural areas of Ecuador, based on parametric and high-quality design. turbine fidelity and technical economic analysis. Goals

Platform for Hydroelectric Microgeneration in Rural Areas of Ecuador. Read more "

Technical Management of Mining Environmental Liabilities (PAM)

Status: In execution General Objective: The objective of this training program is to strengthen the theoretical-practical knowledge of researchers, technicians and students in branches related to mining, geology, and the environment, on the protocols to follow for identification, characterization, inventory and evaluation of mining environmental liabilities (PAM). Furthermore, the purpose of this program

Technical Management of Mining Environmental Liabilities (PAM) Read more »

Study of the in vitro leishmanicidal activity of spirocyclopropanes carried in nanocarriers.

General Objective: To evaluate the leishmanicidal, cytotoxic and genotoxic activities of bis(spiro-2,4-dihydro-3H-pyrazol-3-one) cyclopropanes transported in nanocarriers. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTE, UCE, USFQ, UTPL, UV. Participants: Project Director Jorge Humberto Heredia Moya Awarded Budget: $50,000.00 Project Status: Completed

Study of the in vitro leishmanicidal activity of spirocyclopropanes carried in nanocarriers. Read more "