Santiago Ruilova

Protection of Personal Data in Higher Education Institutions Name Member Institution.

Status: In execution General Objective: The objective of this program is to provide the necessary knowledge so that legal research projects can be generated with the aim of developing contributions that serve the progress of this subject and are a guide on unregulated aspects, to the once they support the institutions in the […]

Protection of Personal Data in Higher Education Institutions Name Member Institution. Read more "


General Objective: Formulate and propose a solution algorithm, based on the alternating current (AC) model, to the multi-stage planning problem for the expansion of transmission systems considering technologies related to HVDC's, Storage Systems, Multi-Systems. voltage, with uncertainty. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, UDA, ESPOL. Participants: Project Director SANTIAGO PATRICIO TORRES CONTRERAS


Analysis and application of forms of human-computer interaction (HCI) in a technological tool for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) based on pictograms, which helps older adults communicate with their environment.

General Objective: Analyze different forms of human-computer interaction (HCI) in a technological tool for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) based on pictograms, which helps older adults communicate with their environment. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, ESPE, UDA, UTI. Participants: Project Director Irene Priscila Cedillo Orellana Awarded Budget: $50,000.00 Project Status: Completed

Analysis and application of forms of human-computer interaction (HCI) in a technological tool for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) based on pictograms, which helps older adults communicate with their environment. Read more "

Importance of chemical speciation of elements in medicinal herbs using the methods of analytical chemistry.

Status: In execution General Objective: Understand the importance of chemical speciation of elements applied in indigenous medicinal herbs of the equatorial region using the methods of analytical chemistry as an introduction to new research processes. Participants: UTM, UPSE, SAN GREGORIO Project director: Alex Alberto Dueñas Rivadeneira Researchers: Awarded budget: $9,000

Importance of chemical speciation of elements in medicinal herbs using the methods of analytical chemistry. Read more "

Design of support and incubation programs for entrepreneurship and innovation projects in a university context.

Status: In execution General Objective: Develop a methodological framework to support entrepreneurship and innovation projects in a university context. Participants: UG, UPSE, SAN GREGORIO Project director: María Paulina Brito Ochoa Researchers: Awarded budget: $10,000

Design of support and incubation programs for entrepreneurship and innovation projects in a university context. Read more "

Preparation and characterization of phase change materials obtained from nano sacha inchi oil improved with low-cost local raw materials

General Objective: Obtaining a PCM and NEPCM based on sacha inchi seed oil and inclusion of titanium and silicon oxides, obtained from local raw materials. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: EPN, UTEQ, UIDE, PUCE, UISEK. Participants: Project Director Andrés Gabriel Chico Proaño Awarded Budget: $19,300.00 Project Status: Completed

Preparation and characterization of phase change materials obtained from nano sacha inchi oil improved with low-cost local raw materials Read more »

Perspectives on sexual consent and rejection among adolescents and young people from Azuay and Cañar: knowledge, communication and interpretation.

General Objective: Explore the perspectives of adolescents and young people on knowledge, communication and interpretation of sexual consent and rejection. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, UDA, UNAE. Participants: Project Director Jessica Ercilia Castillo Ñúñez Awarded Budget: $40,700.00 Project Status: Completed

Perspectives on sexual consent and rejection among adolescents and young people from Azuay and Cañar: knowledge, communication and interpretation. Read more "

Systemic design to rethink urban food systems in the Anthropocene: the cases of Cuenca and Quito

Status: In execution General Objective: Train at least 120 people, including Ecuadorian professionals and students, in systemic design methodologies so that they can apply them in the generation of policies, programs and projects related to food sovereignty. Specific Objective: Participants: UCUENCA, UTE Project Director: Galo Carrión Andrade Researchers: Daniele Rocchio Awarded Budget: $10,000

Systemic design to rethink urban food systems in the Anthropocene: the cases of Cuenca and Quito Read more »

Heterogeneous catalysis in Green Chemistry: Preparation, characterization and applications of solid catalysts for resource valuation and environmental remediation.

Status: In execution General Objective: The objective of this project is to train Ecuadorian researchers in heterogeneous catalysis so that they are able to prepare and characterize solid catalysts for resource valuation and environmental remediation with a Green Chemistry approach, as well as propose research projects. Participants: U CUENCA, UPS Director of the

Heterogeneous catalysis in Green Chemistry: Preparation, characterization and applications of solid catalysts for resource valuation and environmental remediation. Read more "