Santiago Ruilova

development resilience

Cyber ​​resilience for development

In Ecuador we are a certified CATI Within the framework of the Cyber ​​Resilience for Development Project (Cyber4Dev) financed by the European Union, representatives of the Ministry of Telecommunications, Ministry of the Interior, Ecu-Cert, Foreign Ministry, CEDIA and the Delegation of the European Union in Ecuador, they made a Study Visit to Estonia, a leading country in digital government

Cyber ​​resilience for development Read More »

The TICEC congress extends its early registration period

Take advantage of the discount until August 19 TICEC is the most important conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador. This event offers a variety of scientific and technical activities accompanied by cultural presentations typical of the host city. Our participants will be able to enjoy an academic, scientific and cultural event during

The TICEC congress extends its early registration period Read More »

CEDIA was selected as the articulating entity to form the Transform Health coalition in Ecuador

Our goal is to achieve Universal Health Coverage – UHC CEDIA, through its eHealth by CEDIAprogram, was selected as a manager to form the national Transform Health coalition, this global movement that works in a collaborative and interdisciplinary manner in the transformation of healthcare systems. primary health with the objective of achieving strategies

CEDIA was selected as the articulating entity to form the Transform Health coalition in Ecuador Read More »

Call for financing in research, development and innovation projects for institutes

Apply your project until October 8 The Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia CEDIA 's mission is to encourage, promote and coordinate the development of scientific research, academia, innovation, technology transfer, entrepreneurship, internationalization and offer services related to these and other related areas to its members

Call for financing in research, development and innovation projects for institutes Read More »